نمایش 9 24 36

Bromine Index – 10 mg/100 g

171 $
This CRM is intended for the verification/validation of measurement equipment for Bromine Index.

testo 270 BT – Frying oil tester

984 $
  • Oil quality determination on site, including seamless documentation via the testo Smart App
  • Measurements possible with or without app. The app frying oil measurement program supports you with the measurement and ensures error-free, digital documentation
  • Tracking of measurement data: CSV data export or professional reports in PDF format (incl. signature & comment function) for regulatory requirements and internal quality assurance
  • Measurement directly in hot oil
  • Independent calibration on site using the reference oil, via the testo Smart App

Colour Standard USP (631) Cobaltous Chloride CS

333 $
This CRM is intended for the examination of the degree of colouration of liquids related to USP <631>.

Colour Standard USP (631) Cupric Sulfate CS

225 $
This CRM is intended for the examination of the degree of colouration of liquids related to USP <631>. Certification This

Colour Standard USP (631) Ferric Chloride CS

224 $
This CRM is intended for the examination of the degree of colouration of liquids related to USP <631>. Certification This

European Pharmacopoeia Reagent Coloration – Primary Solution Blue

200 $
This CRM is intended for the examination of the degree of colouration of liquids related to Ph. Eur. 2.2.2, and

European Pharmacopoeia Reagent Coloration – Primary Solution Red

297 $
This CRM is intended for the examination of the degree of colouration of liquids related to Ph. Eur. 2.2.2, and

Dräger tube Acetaldehyde 100/a

What is the Drager Tube® system? DrägerTubes are glass vials filled with a chemical reagent that reacts to a specific