Certified Reference Material, Distillation Standard, Gasoline, 32.8 to 173.3°C Nominal, 250 mL


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پرداخت امن

امکان پرداخت انلاین یا پرداخت حضروی درب منزل

ضمانت اصالت کالا

امکان پرداخت انلاین یا پرداخت حضروی درب منزل

7 روز گارانتی بازگشت وجه

امکان پرداخت انلاین یا پرداخت حضروی درب منزل

Certified Reference Material, Distillation Standard, Gasoline, 32.8 to 173.3°C Nominal, 250 mL with code CRM-DIGA from Paragon Scientific is a high-quality reference material specifically designed for use in distillation analysis of gasoline. This product is ideal for calibrating and verifying the performance of distillation equipment, ensuring accurate and reliable results. The CRMU-DIGA is manufactured under stringent quality control procedures to ensure its accuracy and stability. It is supplied with a comprehensive certificate of analysis that details the material’s properties and uncertainties. This product is essential for laboratories involved in gasoline testing and quality control, helping to maintain the highest standards of accuracy and reliability in fuel analysis.


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